Saturday 11 March 2017

Over (C)A(T)chiever

Could your cat be an over achiever?  You ask how will I know.  The answer is simple. Did you recognize all the meows and their corresponding commands? I do. Firstly, I can differentiate the meows from my two cats. Secondly, when Oscar meows in distress, it means he needs human elevator service.  Not that he cannot find his way to ground floor, but that he is just too special and need his beloved human to climb the two step ladder and gently pick him up, tell him he is a silly cat, a kiss on the forehead and off he goes four paws on the floor. Thirdly, when I talk to him and he meow back, it means he is in total disagreement with me, and he always has the last meow. Nowadays, when he stared at me while I was knitting, it means he needs his food bowl filled. My other cat, Moo Moo, will meow loud when he needs a human goon to follow him around the place while he is patrolling for intruder. So the name of this pattern is inspired by my two cats and the difficulty of this pattern compared to the last two patterns, Rub My Tummy Please and Black Sheep (or is it Cat) of the Family.

This should be my last cat coaster pattern and to mark the end of my journey in studying the round and perfect knitted disc. I go all crazy to set out to "conquer" the pinwheel intarsia pattern. The challenge is to make a flat tummy (yes, it is for both human and coaster lol), or at least as flat as possible.

The small coaster will be able to hold mug / cup / glass about 3 - 3.5" in diameter; the big one can hold water bowl about 6 - 6.5" in diameter

This time I made it two ways to achieve the pinwheel pattern and both has its pros and cons.

Actually, I tried out with the Pinwheel Kitten when I developed the Rub My Tummy Please pattern. It did not go the way I wanted it, so I left it aside. I picked it up again when I had more time and here it is. Make sure you pull the body in all direction after it is done, pay more attention to the centre, to loosen up the stitches.  I am using a one direction / hand to change colour, but perhaps using two strands technique (that is, the Fair Isle technique) will be better in term of achieving a looser tension needed in this piece. I welcome a tester to try out both ways for me if anyone interested.

The Pinwheel Kitten will also need the knowledge of crochet, maybe intermediate beginner level, to do the cast on. It is not just simply magic circle cast on but need to switch colour yarns too.  So it will need someone to be quite comfortable with the cast on technique together with the know how to switch colour in crochet

The Quick Silver (Blue) Kitten is really quick to make, at least for the body, as soon as you get the hang of the pattern. So far, this is the pattern I like the most for simple cat coaster. It took me some time (counts in days please lol) to find a perfect solution for the ridge problem. If you have test knitted my other cat coasters, you will see how different it is :D

As for Happy Papa, he is a pinwheel as well but constructed differently to his kitten. There are many roads to Rome lol. I hope you can see, once you finish the project, how the kittens are related to their Papa :)

Happy Testing :)

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