Tuesday 10 October 2017

"Heart Fatigue" for Furballs

I am too happy to publish two patterns at the same time, Second Heart in One String and Third Heart in One String, but looked like my furballs were not as enthusiastic as me (facepalm). I think they were tired my heart knitting.  They are now napping and not helping in photo bombing (sigh)

The Third Heart is particularly suitable for a two colour combination (half and half). The two decrease columns in the centre make a decorative focal point compatible with the knit stitch column in the Second Heart.

Special thanks to all the test knitters to make this pattern error free (if you find more error in the pattern, blame it on the furballs, HAHA)

You can find the pattern on sale in my ravelry store.

Enjoy the knitting and thank you for your support :)

Two Furballs, Two Hearts, One Pattern :D

With the help of my two trustful furballs, I finally published my second heart shaped dishcloth. They helped by distracting my attention when I needed it most. They wanted to be fed and rubbing when I unravel my tangling yarns. They slept on the computer keyboard when I needed to do typo correction on the computer document. Oh well, the list could go on and on, but I guess that make them as loveable as ever.

The second heart involves more complicated stitches to achieve the look.  The cloth goes well with as a companion gift with a bottle of lotion, body scrub, a bar of handmade soap, etc.  I particularly like the sharp shape of the heart and blocking is not essential (that will save a lot of time, and the shape will still be maintained after usage).  It features a garter stitch construction with neat and tidy selvedge. The centre knit stitch column makes a distinct decoration for the piece.

The pattern is in both written instruction and chart. It is now available from my Ravelry store.  Special thanks to all the volunteer knit testers to make this pattern as error free as possible.

Happy knitting :)