Sunday, 2 July 2023

Furballs come in ALL furcoat patterns

My two furballs have two different furcoat patterns.  Moo Moo was a black and white patchy and Tabby was a dark stripy.  They inspired me to named this series with furcoat patterns.  This series of furballs' furcoat pattern included five (5) ideas and four (4) already visualized.  They have the same characteristics of flat square / rectangular crown, and therefore there is absolute no gap / hole in the crown and more possibility for stitch pattern and colourwork designs.  Each crown is also made with a different technique to form the square.  They are also all from top down but the crown does not need to start with minimal number of stitches and work their way down with increases

Body is attached to crown using simple modular technique

This series is also different from my past creation as they are more focused on colourwork to bring out the charm of the design

The first design is Furballs' Stripy Tabby Hat 間條大花貓帽.  This is the simpliest in this series.  As long as you can knit in flat row and round, all focus will be on stranded colourwork.  I designed the simpliest (yes, again) in two (2) colours but if more colour is the taste, it should be easy and colourwork suggestion is also given in the pattern

The second design is Furballs' Patchy Tabby Hat  斑塊大花貓帽.  This one is not as simple as it looks especially not familiar with modular technique.  All the hard work is putting in make up the beautiful crown and then using the same two (2) colour in another pattern making the fading look and all ended in a not too common garter stitch brim

The third design is Furballs' Spotty Tabby Hat.  This one has a two (2) colour mitering square as crown and follow with modular technique to make up the two (2) colour work in body.  This one is knitted technically all in flat row.  It is more demanding in understanding the concept and technique, but a good challenge for those that hate knitting in round

The fourth design is Furballs' Ticky Tabby Hat.  This one is more focused on stitch pattern and therefore move away from the rest as it is only in one colour in the first design.  Later a colourwork version is made and perhaps could be available later.  The crown gives an unexpected delight when looking from the "sides" seeing the garter row fanning from a center point

I have two (2) more ideas on this series, Furballs' Swirling Tabby Hat and Furballs' Tortoise Shell Tabby hat but not right now.  It is my attempt to offer alternatives to the knitting hat community and hope everyone will enjoy it.

Happy knitting and Meow Meow for now